We have the following type with a single constructor:
-- IsTwice n is inhabited if n = k + k for some k
data IsTwice : Nat -> Type where
Twice : (k : Nat) -> IsTwice (k + k)
I'm trying to define a function on IsTwice n
for any n
, but by doing induction on the k
argument to the Twice
constructor, rather than the n
argument to IsTwice
. My problem is that I can't get Idris to accept my definition as total
Here's a specific example. Let's say we have a second type:
data IsEven : Nat -> Type where
IsZero : IsEven 0
PlusTwo : (n : Nat) -> IsEven n -> IsEven (2 + n)
I'd like to prove that IsTwice n
implies IsEven n
. My intuition is: We know that any value (witness) of type IsTwice n
is of the form Twice k
for some k
, so it should be enough to inductively show that
Twice Z : IsTwice Z
implies IsEven Z
, andTwice k : IsTwice (k+k)
implies IsEven (k+k)
,Twice (S k) : IsTwice ((S k) + (S k))
implies IsEven ((S k) + (S k))
.total isTwiceImpliesIsEven : IsTwice n -> IsEven n
isTwiceImpliesIsEven (Twice Z) = IsZero
isTwiceImpliesIsEven (Twice (S k))
= let twoKIsEven = isTwiceImpliesIsEven (Twice k) in
let result = PlusTwo (plus k k) twoKIsEven in
rewrite sym (plusSuccRightSucc k k) in result
This works except for the fact that Idris is not convinced that the proof is total
Main.isTwiceImpliesIsEven is possibly not total due to recursive path Main.isTwiceImpliesIsEven --> Main.isTwiceImpliesIsEven
How can I make it total
Even so k
is smaller than S k
, the totality checker cannot figure out that k + k
is smaller than S k + S k
as it will only reduce to S (k + S k)
. However, it can be helped with sizeAccessible (k + k)
in Prelude.WellFounded
. On each recursive call you provide a LTE
proving k + k
always gets smaller.
LTERightSucc : (k:Nat) -> LTE k (S k)
LTERightSucc Z = LTEZero
LTERightSucc (S k) = LTESucc $ LTERightSucc k
isTwiceImpliesIsEven : IsTwice n -> IsEven n
isTwiceImpliesIsEven (Twice k) with (sizeAccessible (k + k))
isTwiceImpliesIsEven (Twice Z) | acc = IsZero
isTwiceImpliesIsEven (Twice (S k)) | (Access rec) =
let twoKIsEven = (isTwiceImpliesIsEven (Twice k) |
rec _ (LTESucc $ rewrite plusCommutative k (S k) in LTERightSucc (k+k))) in
let result = PlusTwo (plus k k) twoKIsEven in
rewrite sym (plusSuccRightSucc k k) in result