import yahoo_finance as yfinance
raw_data = (tickers = "^GSPC ^FTSE ^N225 ^GDAXI", #The time
#series we are interested in - (in our case, these are the S&P, FTSE, NIKKEI and DAX)
start = "1994-01-07", #The starting date of our data set
end = "2019-09-27", #The ending date of our data set (at the time of
# upload, this is the current date)
interval = "1d", #The distance in time between two recorded observations.
#Since we're using daily closing prices, we set it equal
#to "1d", which indicates 1 day.
group_by = 'ticker', #The way we want to group the scraped data. Usually we
#want it to be "ticker", so that we have all the
#information about a time series in 1 variable.
auto_adjust = True, #Automatically adjuss the closing prices for each
# period.
treads = True) #Whether to use threads for mass downloading.
I am doing a Udemy course on Time series. And trying to access yahoo finance. But error is as below:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-817ad07416bf> in <module>
1 # Using the .download() method to get our data
----> 3 raw_data = (tickers = "^GSPC ^FTSE ^N225 ^GDAXI", #The time series we are
interested in - (in our case, these are the S&P, FTSE, NIKKEI and DAX)
4 start = "1994-01-07", #The starting date of our data set
5 end = "2019-09-27", #The ending date of our data set (at the
time of upload, this is the current date)
AttributeError: module 'yahoo_finance' has no attribute 'download'
Please help.
The issue was that yahoo-finance has been depracated by pandas. The alternative is either fix-yahoo-finance or using y-finance.
Anaconda prompt, type:
python -m pip install yfinance
pip install fix-yahoo-finance
Then in Anconda prompt/Pycharmn/Jupyter/Spyder etc type:
import yfinance
Now you can proceed as before. yfinance has download option