I work with Pentaho Data Integration I run my.bat in which there is an export of the job:
call kitchen.bat /rep:"%REP_NAME%" /job:"%2" /dir:"%1" /user:%USER_NAME% /pass:%PASSWORD% /export:"%JOB_FILE%"
So I get xml file of my job in which there is such a problem:
The problem is that tags "send_true_to/" and "send_false_to/" are empty! And when I run this jobFile via .bat Javafilter doesn`t work properly.
At the same time this job works ideal in spoon interface. And if I export this job via spoon interfase it looks correct:
<send_true_to>Write to log 2</send_true_to>
<send_false_to>Write to log 3</send_false_to>
I`ve tried other types of Filter? run .bat as administrator - result is the same.
Please, help me export the job by means of .bat files correctly. In what is the problem?
This is a bug in the version of PDI you are using:
https://jira.pentaho.com/browse/PDI-15133 - KTR with Filter Rows step does not save TRUE/FALSE settings when exported to XML from repository
You'll need to either upgrade to 7.0+ or downgrade to According to the Jira ticket it started in
A workaround would be to install a copy of specifically for the export batch. That should minimize the risk of incompatible stuff being exported and let you keep the existing version for running the jobs.