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Can't Lookup Weblogic11

I am using Weblogic 11g, EJB3.0.

I am trying to do simple look up from one deployment to another in the same machine. But no success.

This is the code:

In one deployment this is the target class:

 @Stateless (mappedName = "ejb/SyncOperatorsBean")
  @Local ({SyncOperatorsBeanLocal.class})
  @Remote ({SyncOperatorsBeanRemote.class})
  @JNDIName("ejb/SyncOperatorsBean") //added

  public class SyncOperatorsBean implements SyncOperatorsBeanLocal,SyncOperatorsBeanRemote  

Now in the second deployment, this is how I do the lookup in order to reach the first deployment:

    SyncOperatorsBeanRemote SyncOperatorsBean = (SyncOperatorsBeanRemote) context


That's the exception:

  javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup 'ejb.SyncOperatorsBean#com.mirs.sbngenerate.beans.SyncOperatorsBeanRemote' didn't find subcontext 'SyncOperatorsBean#com'. Resolved 'ejb'; remaining name 'SyncOperatorsBean#com/mirs/sbngenerate/beans/SyncOperatorsBeanRemote'
at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.newNameNotFoundException(

Now I can see the bean SyncOperatorsBean in the console's JNDI TREE. But still have the above exception.

I can't use Injection since the calling class is out of the container (inside quartz job).

Any idea?


  • I have fixed the problem by taking off the @JNDI annotation. and adjust the lookup command like that:

     SyncOperatorsBeanRemote SyncOperatorsBean =
                 (SyncOperatorsBeanRemote) context

    more over I had to add the target class jar to the server lib dir.(weird but thats what I had to do)