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How do I use ST in Idris to get the functionality of ReaderT r Maybe a?

I've read the Control.ST tutorial several times, but I am still not clear on how to use it to implement the kind of effects I would use monad transformers for in Haskell. My specific case is that I want to have something with the same functionality as ReaderT r Maybe a; specifically, the following functions:

ask :: ReaderT r Maybe r
local :: (r -> r') -> ReaderT r Maybe a -> ReaderT r' Maybe a
runReaderT :: ReaderT r Maybe a -> r -> Maybe a

How can I use Control.ST (and the stuff in it) to implement something like this?


  • So the first thing to do is to define an interface to describe the resource managed by the Reader and primitive operations on this resource:

    interface Reader where

    We define a custom type for read resources, to control access to them.

      Read : Type -> Type

    We then need a way to introduce and remove read resources:

      setRead   : a -> ST m Var [add (Read a)]
      unsetRead : (env : Var) -> ST m () [remove env (Read a)]

    And of course, ask and local:

      ask : (env : Var) -> ST m () [env ::: Read a]
      local : (env : Var) -> (f : r -> r') ->
              ST m a [env ::: Read r'] ->
              ST m a [env ::: Read r]

    From there, we can define runReaderT that insert the resource, run a computation that depends on it and delete it:

    runReaderT : Reader m =>
                 ((env : Var) -> ST m a [env ::: Read {m} b]) -> b -> ST m a []
    runReaderT f x = do
      e <- set x
      res <- f e
      unset e
      pure res

    We can now move on to the implementation, relying on State:

    implementation Reader Maybe where
      Read = State
      setRead x = do
        env <- new x
        pure env
      unsetRead env = delete env
      ask env = read env
      local env f st = do
        r <- ask env
        write env (f r)
        x <- st
        write env r
        pure x

    And then, you're ready to play with it:

    runReader : (Applicative m, Reader m) =>
                ((env : Var) -> STrans m a [env ::: Read {m} b] (const [env ::: Read {m} b])) ->
                b -> m a
    runReader f x = run $ runReaderT f x
    incrementRead : Reader m => (env : Var) -> ST m Nat [env ::: Read {m} Nat]
    incrementRead env = pure $ 1 + !(ask env)
    test : Nat -> Maybe Nat
    test y = do
      x <- run (runReaderT incrementRead y)
      guard (x >= 42) *> pure x

    Hope it helps.