I've read the Control.ST
tutorial several times, but I am still not clear on how to use it to implement the kind of effects I would use monad transformers for in Haskell. My specific case is that I want to have something with the same functionality as ReaderT r Maybe a
; specifically, the following functions:
ask :: ReaderT r Maybe r
local :: (r -> r') -> ReaderT r Maybe a -> ReaderT r' Maybe a
runReaderT :: ReaderT r Maybe a -> r -> Maybe a
How can I use Control.ST
(and the stuff in it) to implement something like this?
So the first thing to do is to define an interface to describe the resource managed by the Reader and primitive operations on this resource:
interface Reader where
We define a custom type for read resources, to control access to them.
Read : Type -> Type
We then need a way to introduce and remove read resources:
setRead : a -> ST m Var [add (Read a)]
unsetRead : (env : Var) -> ST m () [remove env (Read a)]
And of course, ask
and local:
ask : (env : Var) -> ST m () [env ::: Read a]
local : (env : Var) -> (f : r -> r') ->
ST m a [env ::: Read r'] ->
ST m a [env ::: Read r]
From there, we can define runReaderT
that insert the resource, run a computation that depends on it and delete it:
runReaderT : Reader m =>
((env : Var) -> ST m a [env ::: Read {m} b]) -> b -> ST m a []
runReaderT f x = do
e <- set x
res <- f e
unset e
pure res
We can now move on to the implementation, relying on State
implementation Reader Maybe where
Read = State
setRead x = do
env <- new x
pure env
unsetRead env = delete env
ask env = read env
local env f st = do
r <- ask env
write env (f r)
x <- st
write env r
pure x
And then, you're ready to play with it:
runReader : (Applicative m, Reader m) =>
((env : Var) -> STrans m a [env ::: Read {m} b] (const [env ::: Read {m} b])) ->
b -> m a
runReader f x = run $ runReaderT f x
incrementRead : Reader m => (env : Var) -> ST m Nat [env ::: Read {m} Nat]
incrementRead env = pure $ 1 + !(ask env)
test : Nat -> Maybe Nat
test y = do
x <- run (runReaderT incrementRead y)
guard (x >= 42) *> pure x
Hope it helps.