I have a mongodb collections named "articles
I have configured below rules for validating "title
" field of article while Updating the record.
validator.body('title').custom( (value, {req}) => {
console.log(value, req.params.id)
return Article.find({ title:value, _id:{ $ne: req.params.id } })
.then( article => {
if (article) {
return Promise.reject('Title already in use');
So basically it should check if "title" should not exists in the collection and it should not be the same ID as the one I am updating.
The line console.log(value, req.params.id)
is printing proper Title and ID but the validation is always saying "Title already in use". Even though I use entirely different title that is not used at all.
Any idea what's wrong?
You should use findOne query for better performance and check data is null like as bellow.
validator.body('title').custom( (value, {req}) => {
console.log(value, req.params.id)
return Article.findOne({ title:value, _id:{ $ne: req.params.id } })
.then( article => {
if (article !== null) {
return Promise.reject('Title already in use');