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Formatting a json with JsonResult Type in MVC

I'm trying to create a Slack bot. I have to respond to Slack with a json, like so:

    "blocks": [
            "type": "section",
            "text": {
                "type": "mrkdwn",
                "text": "*It's 80 degrees right now.*"
            "type": "section",
            "text": {
                "type": "mrkdwn",
                "text": "Partly cloudy today and tomorrow"

I'm using the JsonResult function. My code looks like this:

public class Block
    public string type { get; set; }
    public Text text { get; set; }
public class Text
    public string type { get; set; }
    public string text { get; set; }

private List<Block> GetBlock()  
    var block = new List<Block>  
        new Block
            type = "section",  
            text = new Text
                type = "mrkdwn",
                text = "*It's 80 degrees right now.*"
        new Block
            type = "section",
            text = new Text
                type = "mrkdwn",
                text = "Partly cloudy today and tomorrow"

    return block;  

// GET api/values
public ActionResult<IEnumerable<string>> Get()
    var blocks = GetBlock();
    return new JsonResult(blocks);

My output does not look like how I want it to. This is what I get:

    {"type":"section","text":{"type":"mrkdwn","text":"*It\u0027s 80 degrees right now.*"}},
    {"type":"section","text":{"type":"mrkdwn","text":"Partly cloudy today and tomorrow"}}

It looks like I almost have everything right, except for that "blocks": string right before everything else. I am very confused about how I can include that part.

How can I include the "blocks": part? Or is there an easier way to go about this that I'm missing?



  • In the JSON you've shown, "blocks" is a property on the root object. So you can just create a wrapper class that has a property to match that:

    public class BlockWrapper
        public List<Block> blocks { get; set; }

    And then use that object when you construct the data to be serialized:

    private BlockWrapper GetBlock()
        var blockWrapper = new BlockWrapper
            blocks = new List<Block>
            { ... }
        return blockWrapper;