Can we create a for loop for the SES templates?
Looking at the code here ( , the only example I see is for key value pair.
The syntax looks like what I used to use in handlebar.js
Something like this:
"Template": {
"TemplateName": "MyTemplate",
"SubjectPart": "Greetings, {{name}}!",
"HtmlPart": "<h1>Hello {{name}},</h1><p>Your favorite animals are {{#each animals}}<h1>{{favoriteanimal}}</h1>{{/each}}.</p>",
Example template data:
Example template:
"Template": {
"TemplateName": "Preferences",
"SubjectPart": "Subscription Preferences for {{contact.firstName}} {{contact.lastName}}",
"HtmlPart": "<h1>Your Preferences</h1>
<p>You have indicated that you are interested in receiving
information about the following subjects:</p>
{{#each subscription}}
<p>You can change these settings at any time by visiting
the <a href={{meta.userId}}>
Preference Center</a>.</p>",
"TextPart": "Your Preferences\n\nYou have indicated that you are interested in
receiving information about the following subjects:\n
{{#each subscription}}
- {{interest}}\n
\nYou can change these settings at any time by
visiting the Preference Center at{{meta.userId}}"
More information can be found here: