The [ ADD ] button enable when all 3 drop-down are selected. Trying to figure out how to now enable the [ ADD ] when the user enter a number amount on the Quantity TextInput
DisplayMode: If(IsBlank(drpCategory.Selected.Result) || IsBlank(drpSubCategory.Selected.Result) || IsBlank(drpProductName.Selected.Result),Disabled,Edit)
TextInput Properties: I have the following regular expression
BorderColor: If(Not(IsMatch(txtQuantity.Text, "\d*"))&&!IsBlank(txtQuantity.Text),RGBA(255,0,0,1),RGBA(0,18,107, 1))
All you have to do is get the value of the quantity field like following:
if(typeof ValueOfQuantity =='number'){
$( "#IdOfButton" ).prop( "disabled", false );