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Trigger oracle: whats wrong?

This is my code:

create trigger TriggerAdresse1
    before INSERT
    on Adresse
    for each row
    enthaelt boolean;
    if ((Provinz in (select Name from Provinz2)) and (Laendercode in (select Laendercode from Provinz2))) then
        enthaelt := true;
    end if;
    if(enthaelt:=false) then
    end if;

I am trying to cancel the insert if the attribute Provinz or Laendercode isn´t in the table Provinz2. Datagrip says it´s not valid...

Thanks for your help! Best regards


    • A BOOLEAN value in Oracle can have three values: TRUE, FALSE and NULL, you did not initialize the variable.
    • You have to refer to new values (by default with :new)
    • By default a trigger cannot contain COMMIT or ROLLBACK

    Your code must be this:

    create trigger TriggerAdresse1
        before INSERT
        on Adresse
        for each row
        enthaelt INTEGER;
        SELECT COUNT(*)
        INTO enthaelt 
        FROM Provinz2
        WHERE Name = :new.Provinz
           AND Laendercode = :new.Laendercode;
        if enthaelt = 0 then
            RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'Provinz oder Ländercode ungültig');
        end if;

    However, your requirement should be better implemented with FOREIGN KEY Constraint

    alter table Adresse add constraint Provinz_FK FOREIGN KEY (Provinz) 
      references Provinz2 (Name);
    alter table Adresse add constraint Laendercode_FK FOREIGN KEY (Laendercode) 
      references Provinz2(Laendercode);

    Most likely Laendercode is not a UNIQUE key, but Name+Laendercode is. Then it would be this:

    alter table Adresse add constraint Provinz_FK FOREIGN KEY (Provinz, Laendercode) 
      references Provinz2 (Name, Laendercode);