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C++ an VS error: <experimental/filesystem> header providing std::experimental::filesystem is deprecated by Microsoft and will be REMOVED

I coded in C++ on Visual Studio (Windows 10) and got this error:

#error The <experimental/filesystem> header providing std::experimental::filesystem is deprecated by Microsoft \
and will be REMOVED. It is superseded by the C++17 <filesystem> header providing std::filesystem. \
You can define _SILENCE_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM_DEPRECATION_WARNING to acknowledge that you have received this warning.

With this headers:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include <filesystem>//If I will disable it nothing happens.

#include <experimental/filesystem> //If I will disable it happens another error.
namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; 

using namespace std;

I've tried: #define _SILENCE_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM_DEPRECATION_WARNING in the main cpp file. It didnt help.

So then I paste this code from here:

#ifdef __cpp_lib_filesystem
    #include <filesystem>
    using fs = std::filesystem;
#elif __cpp_lib_experimental_filesystem
    #include <experimental/filesystem>
    using fs = std::experimental::filesystem;
    #error "no filesystem support ='("

Didn't helped too.

What is the easiest way to get out that error?


  • I had the same problem and then, when I removed the experimental filesystem and added:

    #include <filesystem>
    namespace fs = std::filesystem;

    I would get the error:

    namespace “std” has no member “filesystem”

    The solution was to go to project properties and do as instructed in the link. VS2017: E0135 namespace "std" has no member "filesystem"