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Can you use a constructor in Child Activity to change Parent Activity String variable?

I have a Parent Activity class that all my Child Activity classes extend from. This parent activity has a field called 'activity_Id' that is a String and defaults to be null.

In the onCreate of the Parent Activity, I need to check if that field has a value, which it would only get from the Child Activity if it does I do some other logic in the onCreate of the parent activity.

Note, that each activity has a unique 'activity_Id' that it is used to alter the other logic that is being done.

Here is the ParentActivity:

public class ParentActivity extends Activity{
    protected String activity_Id = null;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        if(activity_Id != null)

Here is the ChildActivity:

public class ChildActivity extends ParentActivity{

    public ChildActivity(){
        activity_Id = "Foo123";
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

This activity_Id String is predetermined but does not match the Activities name so I can not do


in my ParentActivity class.

This seems like the cleanliness way BUT there seems to be some taboo around using constructors in activities so I just want to make sure I do not break anything. Or if someone can think of a cleaner way to do it?


  • This can be done with abstract class because constructor don't construct an activity directly.

    Try it like this

    public abstract class ParentActivity extends Activity{
        protected abstract String activityId();

    Then in child activity override activityId() with required value. And now you can compare activityId() in ParentActivity onCreate(...) method.