I would like to parallelise a calculation using the mutliprocessing.pool method. The problem is that the function I would like to use in the calculation presents two args and optional kwargs, being the first argument a dataframe, the second one a str and any kwargs a dictionary.
Both the dataframe and the dictionary I want to use are the same for all the calculations I am trying to carry out, being only the second arg the one that keeps changing. I was therefore hoping to be able to pass it as a list of different strings using the map method to the already packed function with the df and dict.
from utils import *
import multiprocessing
from functools import partial
def sumifs(df, result_col, **kwargs):
compare_cols = list(kwargs.keys())
operators = {}
for col in compare_cols:
if type(kwargs[col]) == tuple:
operators[col] = kwargs[col][0]
kwargs[col] = list(kwargs[col][1])
operators[col] = operator.eq
kwargs[col] = list(kwargs[col])
result = []
cache = {}
# Go through each value
for i in range(len(kwargs[compare_cols[0]])):
compare_values = [kwargs[col][i] for col in compare_cols]
cache_key = ','.join([str(s) for s in compare_values])
if (cache_key in cache):
entry = cache[cache_key]
df_copy = df.copy()
for compare_col, compare_value in zip(compare_cols, compare_values):
df_copy = df_copy.loc[operators[compare_col](df_copy[compare_col], compare_value)]
entry = df_copy[result_col].sum()
cache[cache_key] = entry
return pd.Series(result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
ca = read_in_table('Tab1')
total_consumer_ids = len(ca)
base = pd.DataFrame()
base['ID'] = range(1, total_consumer_ids + 1)
result_col= ['A', 'B', 'C']
keywords = {'Z': base['Consumer archetype ID']}
max_number_processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=max_number_processes) as pool:
results = pool.map(partial(sumifs, a=ca, kwargs=keywords), result_col)
However, when I run the code above I get the following error: TypeError: sumifs() missing 1 required positional argument: 'result_col'
. How could I provide the function with the first arg and kwargs, while providing the second argument as a list of str so I can paralelise the calculation? I have read several similar questions in the forum but none of the solutions seem to work for this case...
Thank you and apologies if something is not clear, I just learnt of the multiprocessing package today!
Let's have a look at two part of your code.
First the sumifs
function declaration:
def sumifs(df, result_col, **kwargs):
Secondly, the call to this function with the relevant parameters.
# Those are the params
ca = read_in_table('Tab1')
keywords = {'Z': base['Consumer archetype ID']}
# This is the function call
results = pool.map(partial(sumifs, a=ca, kwargs=keywords), tasks)
After the original code has been edited.It look like the problem is the positional argument assignment, try to discard it.
replace the line:
results = pool.map(partial(sumifs, a=ca, kwargs=keywords), result_col)
results = pool.map(partial(sumifs, ca, **keywords), result_col)
An example code:
import multiprocessing
from functools import partial
def test_func(arg1, arg2, **kwargs):
return arg2
if __name__ == '__main__':
list_of_args2 = [1, 2, 3]
just_a_dict = {'key1': 'Some value'}
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=3) as pool:
results = pool.map(partial(test_func, 'This is arg1', **just_a_dict), list_of_args2)
Will output:
This is arg1
{'key1': 'Some value'}
This is arg1
{'key1': 'Some value'}
This is arg1
{'key1': 'Some value'}
['1', '2', '3']
More example for how to Multiprocessing.pool with a function that has multiple args and kwargs
Extended example (due to comments):
I wonder however, in the same fashion, if my function had three args and kwargs, and I wanted to keep arg1, arg3 and kwargs costant, how could I pass arg2 as a list for multiprocessing? In essence, how will I inidicate multiprocessing that map(partial(test_func, 'This is arg1', 'This would be arg3', **just_a_dict), arg2) the second value in partial corresponds to arg3 and not arg2?
The Update 1 code would have change as follow:
# The function signature
def test_func(arg1, arg2, arg3, **kwargs):
# The map call
pool.map(partial(test_func, 'This is arg1', arg3='This is arg3', **just_a_dict), list_of_args2)
This can be done using the python positional and keyword assignment.
Note that the kwargs
is left aside and not assigned using a keyword despite the fact that it's located after a keyword assigned value.
More information about argument assignment differences can be found here.