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DEPRECATION WARNING: ActionView::Base instances should be constructed with a lookup context, assignments, and a controller

I migrate an application from rails 5.2 to rails 6. There is only have one thing left to do but I don't know how.

I have this depreciation warning:

DEPRECATION WARNING: ActionView::Base instances should be constructed with a lookup context, assignments, and a controller. (called from new at /Users/xxx/xxxx/app/models/stock.rb:42)

from this code:

view =
         categories: categories, 
         periods: periods

result = view.render formats: [:xlsx], 
                     handlers: [:axlsx], 
                     template: 'admin/reports/logistics/stocks_by_age'

I don't understand how to fix it. I went to see the depreciation in the source code, but it didn't help me figure out what I should do, and I didn't really find any documentation for this 'lookup'.

Please, could someone help me to understand this depreciation?


  • It looks like you are trying to render view outside of the request. Rails added a feature in the past, that simplified this. Now only thing you need to do is to call ApplicationController.render with your params. In your case it should look something like this:

      template: 'admin/reports/logistics/stocks_by_age',
      locals: { categories: categories, periods: periods } # maybe assigns: { ... }
      handlers: [:axlsx],
      formats: [:xlsx]

    Also following code should work as well if you have logistics controller:

    Admin::Reports::LogisticsController.render(:stocks_by_age, ...other params same as above..., handlers: [:axlsx], formats: [:xlsx])

    See the following article for better description of how to do it.