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Ionic 4 and Angular 5 ion-buttons color and attributes not working

I'm using ionic 4 and angular 5 and for some reason the Press Button ion-buttons element below is not setting color or any attributes to the button and I have tried the two ways I know to set color, however nothing is working?

      <ion-col col-12>
              <ion-col col-md-4>
                <ion-select [(ngModel)]="filter_data_quick_sector" multiple="true" interface="popover"
            <ion-option *ngFor="let sector of sectors" value="{{ sector }}">{{ sector }}</ion-option>
              <ion-col col-md-4>
                <ion-select [(ngModel)]="filter_data_quick_country" multiple="true" interface="popover"
            <ion-option *ngFor="let country of countries" value="{{ country }}">{{ country }}</ion-option>
              <ion-col col-md-4>
                <ion-select [(ngModel)]="filter_data_quick_investment_type" multiple="true" interface="popver"
            <ion-option *ngFor="let investment_type of investment_types" value="{{ investment_type }}">{{
              investment_type }}
            **<ion-row text-right>
                <ion-col col-md-6 offset-1="">
                  <ion-buttons slot="primary" fill="solid" style="--background:blue" size="small">
                    Press Button


  • Just realised I should have placed the ion-button attribute in a button element wrapped in an ion-buttons element for the version of angular and ionic I'm using like so:

          <button ion-button slot="" offset-2="">Apply</button>