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laravel unique() dont work with paginating

i'm facing with an issue in laravel 5.7.28, i'm trying to get records with all of my fields and paginate them , sadly i got a bug in my code that cause registering users with duplicate phone number(a user registered itself more than one time and of course i fix the bug ) , for now i'm facing with a scenario that i want to fetch my (non-duplicate) distinct users on their phone, and paginate them . here is wishful scenario :

$users = User::distinct('phone')

it returns all users (with duplicate phone number), seems distinct function not affected , so i tried unique function :

$users = User::doesntHave('carrierUsers')

it works (for getting non-duplicate) but break paginating functionality

and for

$users = User::doesntHave('carrierUsers')

i got error for undefined function on builder , means it works on collections , also i tried groupBy (search whole the web for solution) , it makes me confused till when i use it


i got SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause, is that mean in every phrase in my select statement (for now is all ('*') ) i should use it in my groupBy ? i mean i need all columns , how can i have all those column in groupBy clause ? whats that mean by the way ?

, error is telling : this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by. is she making this happen ? how can i fix it ? 1) excuse me for my english 2) Thanks for reading whole this 3) pleasure to reply and help me


  • Problem 1: Use distinct

    For distinct() method, passing parameters is not supporteds, so distinct(phone) will not works.

    You can use ->select('phone')->distinct() instead. However, support unique column is selected.

    Problem 2: Use Group By

    So if you want to select all columns and unique one column, you can use group by.

    And because you are using mysql 5.7+.

    The ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY and STRICT_TRANS_TABLES modes were added in MySQL 5.7.5.

    So if you select all columns and group one column, you will get the only_full_group_by error.

    There are two options can solve this problem.


    Use ANY_VALUE()

    ->selectRaw('phone, ANY_VALUE(id) AS id, ANY_VALUE(username) AS username, ...')


    In config/database.php configuration, set strict mode to false(This is not very safty):

    'mysql' => [
       'driver' => 'mysql',
       'strict' => false,