I want to get my keys in my order. But, it doesn't work with dictionary and Collections.OrderedDict.
from collections import OrderedDict
data = OrderedDict({
"Name1": "value1",
"Name2": "value2"
for key in data.keys():
This code shows that Name3 Name4 ...
. It doesn't have any order. My data doesn't have alphabetical order in keys, and I must get the keys in my order.
I found that dictionary is not designed with order. Then, what structures can I use with key and value pair? Or there is any way to use dictionary in custom order? (input order..?)
You need to change the structure of your ordered dictionary from this
data = OrderedDict({
"Name1": "value1",
"Name2": "value2",
to this
data = OrderedDict([('Name1', 'value1'), ('Name2', 'Value2')])