I have a table called contacts. I want to get all records where person_id = 1
in contacts table below.
class Contacts extends Table {
IntColumn get id => integer().autoIncrement()();
TextColumn get contact_type => text().withLength(min: 1, max: 50)();
TextColumn get contact => text().withLength(min: 1, max: 100)();
IntColumn get person_id =>
integer().customConstraint('REFERENCES persons(id)')();
DateTimeColumn get created => dateTime()();
DateTimeColumn get updated => dateTime()();
How do I perform select * from contacts where person_id = 1
using moor_flutter? thank you, posted with Love.
You should have a look to the docs.
You are looking for something like this :
@UseMoor(tables: [Contacts])
class MyDatabase extends _$MyDatabase {
Future<List<Contact>> getContactByPersonId(int id) {
return (select(contacts)..where((c) => c.person_id.equals(id))).get();