I'd like to be able to reroute or redirect all requests to my site to a specific page, if a conditional passes. I'm assuming this would have to be done somewhere in the bootstrap or with the dispatcher, but I'm not sure exactly what the best/cleanest way to go about it would be.
No .htaccess redirects since a condition needs to be tested for in PHP
Here's what I'd like:
if( $condition ) {
// Redirect ALL Pages/Requests
// else, continue dispatch as normal...
The idea here is that we can setup the entire website and send everything to a splash page until a specified date/time, at which point it would 'auto launch' itself essentially.
Indeed, I'd go for a plugin.
In library/My/Plugin/ConditionallyRedirect.php
class My_Plugin_ConditionallyRedirect extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function routeStartup(Zend_Http_Request_Abstract $request)
// perform your conditional check
if ($this->_someCondition()){
$front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$response = $front->getResponse();
protected function _someCondition()
// return the result of your check
return false; // for example
Then register your plugin in application/configs/application.ini
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "My_"
resources.frontController.plugins.conditional = "My_Plugin_ConditionallyRedirect"
Of course, other preferences/requirements for classname prefixing and for file location would entail slightly different steps for autoloading and invocation.