is there a tool that does automatic file-versioning (for local files), like dropbox? Seeing how easy it is to restore older versions using dropbox compared to svn...
I know how svn and dropbox are intendend for very different purposes, and that svn provides much much more functionality, but the truth is that for my usual coding-work on my small projects I hardly need those and automatic commits & updates would really be wonderfull, considering how much time I've wasted because I screwed something up in svn.
FileHamster monitors a folder and automatically keeps previous version. AutoVer does the same and is free. It would be my recommendation!
Both let you traverse previous versions and can backup everytime you hit save or every so often or a combination of both. Not sure if AutoVer copes well with MS Office tmp files though.
AutoVer also lets you run a post-backup command which I keep meaning to make use of to create diff files...