Time limit per test: 2 seconds
Memory limit per test: 512 megabytesYou are given two fractions
and a positive numberN
. Consider all irreducible fractionse/f
such that0 < e, f ≤ N
. Lets
be a sequence of these fractions sorted in ascending order of denominators and then numerators (fractione1/f1
if eitherf1 < f2
orf1 = f2 and e1 < e2
). You should print firstn
terms of the sequences
or the whole sequences
if it consists of fewer thann
The first line of each test contains 6 integersa
(0 ≤ a ≤ 10^18
,1 ≤ b, c, d, N ≤ 10^18
,1 ≤ n ≤ 200 000
,a/b < c/d
First, print how many terms of sequences
you will output. And then output these terms in the right order.Examples
- Input:
Output:0 1 1 1 5 10
9 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 4 3 4 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5
- Input:
Output:55 34 68 42 90 1
1 89 55
- Input:
Output:49 33 45 30 50 239
So far, I've only managed to write a solution that iterates over all the denominators from 1
to N
, and for each denominator iterates over all the numerators from a*f/b
to c*f/d
, adding all found irreducible fractions to the answer.
Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
long long a, b, c, d, N, n;
vector<pair<long long, long long>> result;
long long gcd(long long a, long long b) {
while (b) {
a %= b;
swap(a, b);
return a;
void computeResult() {
for (long long f = 1; f <= N; f++) {
long long eMax = c*f / d;
if (c*f % d != 0) eMax++;
eMax = min(eMax, N);
for (long long e = a*f / b + 1; e < eMax; e++) {
if (gcd(e, f) == 1) {
result.push_back(make_pair(e, f));
if (result.size() == n)
int main() {
cin >> a >> b >> c >> d >> N >> n;
cout << result.size() << endl;
for (pair<long long, long long> fraction : result)
cout << fraction.first << " " << fraction.second << endl;
Unfortunately, this solution is too slow. I wonder how to solve this problem more efficiently.
This is a very interesting question and I really enjoyed thinking about it, and I don't know why it received so many downvotes. Anyways, the below is my rough sketch of the solution. I will update my answer later if I add some refinement to it.
As suggested by @user3357359 answer, we need a more effective way to generate coprimes. A common technique (that is used in diophantine equation solvers) is Farey Sequence.
Definition: a Farey Sequence of order
is the ascending (by value) sequence of irreducible fractionsp/q
such thata/b <= p/q <= c/d
, whereq < n
Properties of Farey Sequence is presented in this paper. So, we have several questions at hand:
How to effectively generate Farey Sequence of order n
Knowing the first element a0/b0 = a/b
and the second element a1/b1
, one can generate a2/b2
using the following algorithm (with complexity O(1)
k = int((n + b0) / b1)
a2 = k * a1 - a0
b2 = k * b1 - b0
How to get the second element of Farey Sequence of order n
We know that the denominator is somewhere in the range 1..n
. We also know that a/b
and c/d
are neighbors in Farey Sequence if and only if b*c - a*d = 1
. So by itering the value of d
through 1..n
we can find the smallest fraction, which will the the next one in the sequence. Complexity O(n)
How do we decide which order of Farey Sequence we should generate?
Blindly generating of order N
, when N
is in magnitude of 10^18
is stupid. Moreover, you won't have enough memory for that. We only need to generate a Farey Sequence of some order k
, such that the length of it is larger than n
which is bounded by 200000
. This is the hardest part of this algorithm, and right now the tools in number theory only allows us to estimate: |F_k| = 3*k^2 / pi^2
. So we have:
k = ceil(sqrt(n * pi^2)) + C
In page 11 of this paper you can also find the approximation error of this formula, so that you accomodate more room for error, thus the C
. Note that, for each a/b
and c/d
, the length of F_k
would be different.
To sum up, the pseudocode for the algorithm is:
1. Estimate the order k of the Farey Sequence to generate, such that |F_k| >= n
2. Calculate the second element of F_k. O(k), where k << n and 1 < n < 200000
3. Generate the whole Farey Sequence. O(n), where 1 < n < 200000
4. Sort by the requirements. O(n log n), where 1 < n < 200000
In the worst case scenario when your estimation in step 1
gave less elements than n
, you'll need to generate again, using a bit higher order k'
. Which will only increase the execution time of your algorithm by a constant. So, the overall complexity is O(n log n)
in average, where n < 200000
Remarks: the bottleneck of this algorithm is estimation of order k
. This might be avoided completely by using not Farey Sequence, but the Stern-Brocot Tree. The tree generates exactly in the order that you need, but I doubt that in an arbitrary setting with a/b != 0/1
and c/d != 1/1
it will iterate through all the fractions in a good order.