I try to create a grouped bar plot but can't figure out how to influence the order of the barplot.
Given these example data:
import pandas as pd
import hvplot.pandas
df = pd.DataFrame({
"lu": [200, 100, 10],
"le": [220, 80, 130],
"la": [60, 20, 15],
"group": [1, 2, 2],
df = df.groupby("group").sum()
I'd like to create a horizontal grouped bar plot showing the two groups 1 and 2 with all three columns. The columns should appear in the order of "le", "la" and "lu".
Naturally I'd try this with Hvplot:
df.hvplot.barh(x = "group", y = ["le", "la", "lu"])
With that I get the result below:
Hvplot does not seem to care about the order I add the columns (calling df.hvplot.barh(x = "group", y = ["lu", "le", "la"])
doesn't change anything. Nor does Hvplot seem to care about the original order in the dataframe.
Are there any options to influence the order of the bars?
This has just been fixed in HoloViews 1.13.
You can sort your barplot just like you wanted:
df.hvplot.barh(x="group", y=["lu", "la", "le"])
As I write this, HoloViews 1.13 is not officially available yet, but you can install it through:
pip install git+https://github.com/holoviz/holoviews.git
If you want even more control over the order, you can use .redim.values() on your grouped_barplot:
group_specific_order = [2, 1]
variable_specific_order = ['lu', 'la', 'le']
# Note that group and Variable are the variable names of your dimensions here
# when you use this on a different grouped barchart, then please change to the
# names of your own dimensions.