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Why is pandas.read_fwf not skipping the blank line as instructed?

I'm reading a fixed width format (full source file) full of missing data, so pandas.read_fwf comes in handy. There is an empty line after the header, so I'm passing skip_blank_lines=True, but this appears to have no effect, as the first entry is still full of NaN/NaT:

import io
import pandas

s="""USAF   WBAN  STATION NAME                  CTRY ST CALL  LAT     LON      ELEV(M) BEGIN    END

007018 99999 WXPOD 7018                                  +00.000 +000.000 +7018.0 20110309 20130730
007026 99999 WXPOD 7026                    AF            +00.000 +000.000 +7026.0 20120713 20170822
007070 99999 WXPOD 7070                    AF            +00.000 +000.000 +7070.0 20140923 20150926
008260 99999 WXPOD8270                                   +00.000 +000.000 +0000.0 20050101 20100920
008268 99999 WXPOD8278                     AF            +32.950 +065.567 +1156.7 20100519 20120323
008307 99999 WXPOD 8318                    AF            +00.000 +000.000 +8318.0 20100421 20100421
008411 99999 XM20                                                                 20160217 20160217
008414 99999 XM18                                                                 20160216 20160217
008415 99999 XM21                                                                 20160217 20160217
008418 99999 XM24                                                                 20160217 20160217
010000 99999 BOGUS NORWAY                  NO      ENRS                           20010927 20041019
010010 99999 JAN MAYEN(NOR-NAVY)           NO      ENJA  +70.933 -008.667 +0009.0 19310101 20200111
010013 99999 ROST                          NO                                     19861120 19880105
010014 99999 SORSTOKKEN                    NO      ENSO  +59.792 +005.341 +0048.8 19861120 20200110

print(pandas.read_fwf(io.StringIO(s), parse_dates=["BEGIN", "END"],

Which results in:

USAF     WBAN         STATION NAME  ... ELEV(M)      BEGIN        END
0       NaN      NaN                  NaN  ...     NaN        NaT        NaT
1    7018.0  99999.0           WXPOD 7018  ...  7018.0 2011-03-09 2013-07-30
2    7026.0  99999.0           WXPOD 7026  ...  7026.0 2012-07-13 2017-08-22
3    7070.0  99999.0           WXPOD 7070  ...  7070.0 2014-09-23 2015-09-26
4    8260.0  99999.0            WXPOD8270  ...     0.0 2005-01-01 2010-09-20
5    8268.0  99999.0            WXPOD8278  ...  1156.7 2010-05-19 2012-03-23
6    8307.0  99999.0           WXPOD 8318  ...  8318.0 2010-04-21 2010-04-21
7    8411.0  99999.0                 XM20  ...     NaN 2016-02-17 2016-02-17
8    8414.0  99999.0                 XM18  ...     NaN 2016-02-16 2016-02-17
9    8415.0  99999.0                 XM21  ...     NaN 2016-02-17 2016-02-17
10   8418.0  99999.0                 XM24  ...     NaN 2016-02-17 2016-02-17
11  10000.0  99999.0         BOGUS NORWAY  ...     NaN 2001-09-27 2004-10-19
12  10010.0  99999.0  JAN MAYEN(NOR-NAVY)  ...     9.0 1931-01-01 2020-01-11
13  10013.0  99999.0                 ROST  ...     NaN 1986-11-20 1988-01-05
14  10014.0  99999.0           SORSTOKKEN  ...    48.8 1986-11-20 2020-01-10

[15 rows x 11 columns]

Row 0 still has values for all columns. I was expecting row 0 to be the first non-empty data row, starting with 007018. Why does skip_blank_lines=True appear to have no effect? How can I tell pandas to skip the blank line? Am I doing something wrong?


  • One missing detail in your code is that you failed to pass widths parameter.

    But this is not all. Another problem is that unfortunately, read_fwf contains such a bug that it ignores skip_blank_lines parameter.

    To cope with it, define the following class, containing readline method skipping empty lines:

    class LineFilter(io.TextIOBase):
        def __init__(self, iterable):
            self.iterable = iterable
        def readline(self):
            while True:
                line = next(self.iterable).strip()
                if line:
                    return line

    Then run:

    df = pd.read_fwf(LineFilter(io.StringIO(s)), widths=[7, 6, 30, 8, 6, 8, 9, 8, 9, 9],
        parse_dates=["BEGIN", "END"], na_filter=False)

    As you can see, I added na_filter=False to block conversion of empty strings to NaN values.