I am getting an error about init()
not being available for ARLightEstimate
class LightSensorManager {
let lightEstimate = ARLightEstimate() // <-- error is here
var ambientLightIntensity: CGFloat
init() {
ambientLightIntensity = lightEstimate.ambientIntensity
/* 'init()' is unavailable */
API to ARLightEstimation - ARKit
I assume it is an abstract class? But I cannot find a concrete subclass of it. I only want to use the ambient Light sensor from this API to detect ambient Light.
Here's how you can use
Light Estimation
in ARKit – Full code version is HERE:
Enable Light Estimation in viewWillAppear(_:) instance method:
let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
configuration.lightEstimationEnabled = true
Update lighting in renderer(_:updateAtTime:)
SceneKit's instance method:
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer,
updateAtTime time: TimeInterval) {
guard let lightEstimate = sceneView.session.currentFrame?.lightEstimate
else { return }
spotLightNode.light?.intensity = lightEstimate.ambientIntensity