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Spring Security 5.2 -- how to customize NimbusJWTDecoder used by OAuth2ResourceServer?

I have an OpenID provider (openam) running locally. I am using a self-signed certificate and the jwks URL is @ https://localhost:8443/openam/oauth2/connect/

Due to the SSL certificate being self-signed, I am getting an SSLHandshake exception, when the OIDC token is decoded. I tried using a custom rest template, by creating a custom JwtDecoder (as suggested in )

public JwtDecoder jwtDecoder() {

But this decoder does not seem to be used. The OidcIdTokenDecoderFactory is being used to create the decoder. This class does not seem to allow us to pass in a custom jwtDecoder.

Why does the oauthResourceServer().jwt().decoder(customDecoder()) not work? How can i get the decoder to work with a jwks URI that is a website with a self-signed certificate?

One option i am thinking of is to add the self-signed certificate to the cacerts folder of my jdk.


  • OAuth2LoginAuthenticationFilter is calling OidcAuthorizationCodeAuthenticationProvider for OpenID authentication. To change the JwtDecoder that it uses, you should have a JwtDecoderFactory bean.

    For example, you might have something like:

    public JwtDecoderFactory<ClientRegistration> customJwtDecoderFactory() {
        return new CustomJwtDecoderFactory();
    static class CustomJwtDecoderFactory implements JwtDecoderFactory<ClientRegistration> {
        public JwtDecoder createDecoder(ClientRegistration reg) {
            return new CustomJwtDecoder();

    Hopefully this answers at least part of your question.