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Missing perl on appveyor windows?

Since about 2 days we have problems running our tests with appveyor on windows systems. We get the error message:

(CustomBuild target) -> 
  CUSTOMBUILD : error : Problems running bibtex. Verify that the command 'perl --version' works from the command line. Exit code: 2

We installed the bibtex. It concerns (at least) the "VSVERSION=15 2017" and VSVERSION=14 2015" for 32 and 64 bit

Did anything change on the Windows machines regarding perl?


  • At the end the problem was not a missing perl executable but an executable (bibtex) called from the used perl script. The bibtex executable was not provided by MiKTeX anymore resulting in this, misleading, resulting error.

    The MiKTeX problem has been solved by means of: by declaring the package miktex-misc an essential package (again).