I have a RadioButtonList that is bound to a datatable. Within the datatable, a column exist with urls of images and another column with the description.
The following is what I am doing right now (not working though):
foreach ( acryliccolor scurrent in ssmacryliccolor )
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["TEXT"] = "<img src=\"\\colorswatches\\" + scurrent.SwatchURL + "\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" /><span style=\"margin-right:21px;\"></span>" + scurrent.Color;
dr["VALUE"] = "ID|SC_" + scurrent.ID.ToString() + ";CSID|" + current.ID.ToString() + ";JS|radiosimple(this)";
this.rblAcrylicColors.DataSource = dt;
this.rblAcrylicColors.DataTextField = "TEXT";
this.rblAcrylicColors.DataValueField = "VALUE";
How do I add the image next to the description for each radiobutton item?
Have you tried dynamically adding items to the radiobuttonlist.Items collection?
this.rblAcrylicColors.Items.Add(String.Format("<img src={0} />", "url"));
Also have you checked the html output from what you are currently trying? Is the img tag there?