Actually I want to sort my list in this way: I have a mutableList like this
noteList = mutableListOf<NoteDataHolder>().apply {
notes.forEach {
Imagin NoteDataHolder
has Id
and I want to sort my list by this Id
My list like this: [ {id=1}, {id=2}, {id=3}, {id=4} ]
when I filter my list like this:noteList.filter { it.note?.bookId == 4 }
I receive only [ {id=4} ]
finally, I want to get all item after item4
like this [ {id=4}, {id=1}, {id=2}, {id=3} ]
Looks like you need something like this:
fun reorderItems(input: List<NoteDataHolder>, predicate: (NoteDataHolder) -> Boolean): List<NoteDataHolder>{
val matched = input.filter(predicate)
val unmatched = input.filterNot(predicate)
return matched + unmatched
For use:
noteList = reorderItems (noteList!!) {it.note?.bookId == 4}