Search code examples

Check whether a list of columns in a dataframe pandas

I have a data frame as shown below.

Unit_ID     Type      Sector       Plot_Number       Rental
1           Home      se1          22                50
2           Shop      se1          26                80

From the above I need write function to check whether the list of columns as shown below is in the data frame.

if list is ['Unit_ID', 'Sector', 'Usage_Type', 'Price' ]

Expected Output: column 'Usage_Type' and 'Price' is/are not in the dataframe.

if list is ['Unit_ID', 'Sector' , 'Type', 'Plot_Number' ]

Exepected Output: All coulmns in the list are in the dataframe


  • You can try using below:

    #For checking if the list of columns are actually 
    #a subset of the dataframe columns or not , you can use:
    def myf1(x,to_check):
        if not set(to_check).issubset(set(x.columns)):
           return f"{' and '.join(set(to_check).difference(x.columns))} are not available in the dataframe"
        return "All columns are available in the dataframe"

    to_check = ['Unit_ID', 'Sector'] 
    #'All columns are available in the dataframe'
    to_check = ['Unit_ID', 'Sector','XYZ'] 
    #'XYZ are not available in the dataframe'