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Changing output text for dice rolls

I am trying to code digital dice that outputs something like this:

1: 1 of 36 Rolls 2.7777%

2: 2 of 36 Rolls 5.5555%

3: 3 of 36 Rolls 8.3333%

Not quite sure how to do that but this is the code I have.

import random 
import colorama 

from colorama import Fore, Style 


ROLLED = {i: 0 for i in range(1, 7)}
ITERATIONS = int(input(Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + "How many times would you like to roll the dice?\n"))


def probability():
    print(Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX+"Calculation of probability:")
    for key, count in ROLLED.items():
        print("\t{}: {:.2f}".format(key, count*100./ITERATIONS*1.))

for _ in range(ITERATIONS):#for the inputted range for the iterations
    ROLLED[random.randint(1, 6)] += 1


I don't know how to do that. could use help/tips to find out.


  • You can change the for loop in which you are rolling to this:

    for roll in range(1,ITERATIONS+1):
        ROLLED[random.randint(1, 6)] += 1
        print("{} of {} Rolls {}%".format(roll,ITERATIONS,round(100/ITERATIONS*roll,4)))

    Also don't forget to import random somewhere


    How many times would you like to roll the dice?
    1 of 36 Rolls 2.7778%
    2 of 36 Rolls 5.5556%
    3 of 36 Rolls 8.3333%
    4 of 36 Rolls 11.1111%
    5 of 36 Rolls 13.8889%
    6 of 36 Rolls 16.6667%
    7 of 36 Rolls 19.4444%
    8 of 36 Rolls 22.2222%
    9 of 36 Rolls 25.0%
    10 of 36 Rolls 27.7778%
    11 of 36 Rolls 30.5556%
    12 of 36 Rolls 33.3333%
    13 of 36 Rolls 36.1111%
    14 of 36 Rolls 38.8889%
    15 of 36 Rolls 41.6667%
    16 of 36 Rolls 44.4444%
    17 of 36 Rolls 47.2222%
    18 of 36 Rolls 50.0%
    19 of 36 Rolls 52.7778%
    20 of 36 Rolls 55.5556%
    21 of 36 Rolls 58.3333%
    22 of 36 Rolls 61.1111%
    23 of 36 Rolls 63.8889%
    24 of 36 Rolls 66.6667%
    25 of 36 Rolls 69.4444%
    26 of 36 Rolls 72.2222%
    27 of 36 Rolls 75.0%
    28 of 36 Rolls 77.7778%
    29 of 36 Rolls 80.5556%
    30 of 36 Rolls 83.3333%
    31 of 36 Rolls 86.1111%
    32 of 36 Rolls 88.8889%
    33 of 36 Rolls 91.6667%
    34 of 36 Rolls 94.4444%
    35 of 36 Rolls 97.2222%
    36 of 36 Rolls 100.0%
    Calculation of probability:
        1: 13.89
        2: 22.22
        3: 13.89
        4: 22.22
        5: 11.11
        6: 16.67

    As additional info:

    Because you are using python 3 the / is a "normal" division. Basically: 5/2 = 2.5 while //is the integer division: 5//2 = 2

    So you can change count*100./ITERATIONS*1. to count*100/ITERATIONS without the float casting magic.