Sorry - very newbie question. I have a number of separate intents (let’s call them intent1, intent2, intent3, etc) which constitute a basic FAQ chatbot.
I want users to be able to trigger these independently but I’d also like to guide them from one to the next. So I’d like to be able, at the end of responding to intent1 to ask ‘would you like to hear about intent2 or ask another question’ and respond appropriately.
So far I’ve not messed with node backends etc so there is a possibility the answer lies there.
okay, I am late here! Yes, It is possible with the event. I have recently done this.
function helloIntent(agent){
agent.add("Hi, how are you ?");
agent.setFollowupEvent({ name: 'NextIntentEvent', parameters: {} }); // this will do the trick
let intentMap = new Map();
intentMap.set("Hello Intent", helloIntent);
NextIntentEvent should be an event name defined in the intent that you want to trigger.
some code removed for brevity