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Jahia : maxlength constraint on a node property

I've been looking for a few hours now for this simple question: how can I add a maxlength constraint on a jahia node text property?

What I've tried so far in the studio:

Jahia Studio example

I also tried seeting it directly in the definition.cnd, but cannot find any example or documentation about the max length of a text.

The property is a String TextArea, with no other specific property (but the maxlength I wanna add...)

Thanks in advance for any help!


  • You should use a regexp as a constraint. Typically your definition could be like this:

    [jnt:test2] > jnt:content, jmix:basicContent
     - test2 (string, textarea) < '.{0,250}'

    If you use the UI from the studio, you just need to add .{0,250} in the Value constraints input.

    And you can also handle the error message in your resource bundle file by adding such key/value:

    jnt_test2.test2.constraint.error.message=Please enter a valuer smaller than 250 chars