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How to send parametr to Controller properly? (Thymeleaf + Javascript)

I am beginner at Thymeleaf. All I know is the fact that "Thymeleaf is not Javascript, it is rendered on server." I am making mistakes all the time because I am usually trying to use that Thymeleaf a little like JavaScript.


<form th:action="@{/user/sqlCode}" method="post">
    <button id="newDatabase"></button>
<textarea id="generatedSql" readonly></textarea>


@PostMapping(path = { "/user/sqlCode" })
public String createSchema(@RequestParam(???) String tmp) {
    String finallyMyValue = tmp;
    // STOP  I want to have data from generatedSql in this moment (finallyMyValue)
    // ...

1. Click button (id: newDatabase)
2. Get data from the textarea (id: generatedSql)
3. Send the value with that data to the controller
4. Be happy :)

I tried a lot of things but only using Javascript. Scenario is always the same, JavaScript is executed totally before Thymeleaf and finally I can't properly read that data... I tried that scenario:

  1. Click button (id: newDatabase)
  2. Get data from the textarea (id: generatedSql) using JavaScript
  3. Insert that data into variable name in input tag using JavaScript
  4. Send the variable name to the controller.
  5. And here I always get NULL or error 404

Screenshot with my failed approach, which ended in a null at the breakpoint: enter image description here


  • I think you should try use Javascript with Ajax:

        <button type="button" onclick="submitData()">Change Content</button>
    function submitData() {
        var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
        };"post", "$URL", true);