I need a help to understand VSTO addin vs the .xll excel addin . what is the difference between both addins? Is there any possibility to convert VSTO excel addin into a .xll file to directly attach in an excel worksheet?
XLL add-ins are the older native-code add-ins created via the Excel Software Development Kit. These add-ins are written in c/c++
and make use of COM interop.
Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) add-ins are the contemporary method to create Excel add-ins via managed code such as C#
. Microsoft provides a managed API instead of raw COM to access Office products including Excel.
Is there any possibility to convert VSTO excel addin into a .xll file to directly attach in an excel worksheet?
Yes and no. You would need to re-write the add-in not just to use c/c++ instead of .NET but also to use the COM API instead of the VSTO managed libraries. Sadly there is no easy way to do this.