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Creating multiple async requests

I'm just starting to explore this new library called Requests-Html, which I've just dicovered through Corey Schafer tutorial, and the challenge is to create a async call of n different requests.

So, for example, we have the following code, which runs in about 3,6 seconds:

async def get_delay1():
    r = await asession.get("")
    return r

async def get_delay2():
    r = await asession.get("")
    return r

async def get_delay3():
    r = await asession.get("")
    return r

asession = AsyncHTMLSession()

t1 = time.perf_counter()

results =, get_delay2, get_delay3)

for result in results:
    response = result.html.url

t2 = time.perf_counter()

print(t2 - t1)

The question is, what should I do if I want to create a 500 async request with this library? It can't be the case that I will have to code 500 different functions, right?

I've tried to create a list with the functions generators, so that I can automatically pass n different functions inside of it, :

tasks = [get_delay1, get_delay2, get_delay3]
results =

But I get the

asyncio.ensure_future(coro()) for coro in coros
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable


  • I've found out how to do it.

    After we create our list, we have to call*tasks)

    This way, we ensure that we are passing only callables to the run method, i.e., elements of the list and not the list itself.
