I have been using graphene in django with graphql and a React frontend.
I can get a create mutation to work, but an edit one won't - even tho the query without $ variables works in graphiQL
My gql const in React is:
export const EDIT_PERSON = gql`
mutation personEdit($id: id, $input: PersonInputType!) {
personEdit(id: id, input: $input) {
person {
id is set from a handler and the submit function in the form looks like:
onSubmit={e => {
variables: {
id: id,
input: {
firstName: firstName,
lastName: lastName,
address: address
My PersonEdit mutation in django looks like:
class PersonEdit(Mutation):
class Arguments:
id = ID(required=True)
input = PersonEditInputType(required=True)
person = Field(PersonType)
def mutate(cls, root, info, **data):
serializer = PersonSerializer(data=data.get('input'))
person = Person.objects.get(id=data.get('id'))
print("PERSON", serializer.data)
person.first_name = serializer.data['first_name']
person.last_name = serializer.data['last_name']
person.address = serializer.data['address']
return PersonEdit(person=person.save())
Why will editing not work?
Your mutation should look like this
export const EDIT_PERSON = gql`
mutation personEdit($id: ID!, $input: PersonInputType!) {
personEdit(id: $id, input: $input) {
person {
Here it should be id: $id
not id: id