It's possible to specify Rule as encoding over the data. But sometimes it's too verbose. Is there a shorter way to specify it with just a single number?
In example below I want to draw a horizontal line with y=1
and it requires me to specify a calculate transform. Wonder if it's possible with something more compact, like:
"layer": [
{ "mark": { "type": "rule", "y": 1 }, // Specify ruler with just a single line
"$schema": "",
{ "calculate": "1", "as": "one" }
"layer": [
"mark": { "type": "bar" },
"encoding": {
"x": { "field": "diff", "type": "quantitative" },
"y": { "field": "diff", "type": "quantitative" }
"mark": { "type": "rule" },
"encoding": {
"y": { "field": "one", "type": "quantitative" }
"data": {
"values": [
{ "diff": 1 },
{ "diff": 2 },
{ "diff": 3 }
You can specify a single value using the "value"
field in the encoding; e.g.
"mark": { "type": "rule" },
"encoding": {
"y": { "value": 133 }
But be aware this value is a value in the axis domain, rather than in the data domain; i.e. it represents pixels from the top-left of the chart.
If you want to specify a value in the data domain, there is no such shorthand. You have to either use a transform (as you did in your question) or define a new dataset for your layer. The most compact way of doing this, I think, is something like this:
"mark": { "type": "rule" },
"data": {"values": {"y": 1}},
"encoding": {
"y": { "field": "y" }