I'm trying to do a quite simple task: assign properties to an object and return that same object after retrieving the infos with a REST call.
In my runBlocking block I use the apply function to change the properties of my object, but after trying different ways to assign them, instantiate the object itself, modifying constructing logic of the object, I still get an object with the default values.
Here's my Info object:
class DrivingLicenceInfo {
var type : String = ""
var nationality : String = ""
var number : String = ""
var releaseDate : String = ""
var expiryDate : String = ""
Here's the method which gives me problems:
private fun getDerivingLicenceInfoAndWaitForCompletion(): DrivingLicenceInfo {
return runBlocking {
val response = retrieveDrivingLicenceInfoAsync().await()
if (response.isSuccessful) {
var info = DrivingLicenceInfo()
response.body()?.let {
info.apply {
it.data.let { data ->
val type = data.guy
val drivingLicenseNationality = data.drivingLicenseNationality
val drivingLicenseNumber = data.drivingLicenseNumber
val drivingReleaseDate = data.drivingReleaseDate
val drivingExpiryDate = data.drivingExpiryDate
this.type = type
this.nationality = drivingLicenseNationality
this.number = drivingLicenseNumber
this.releaseDate = drivingReleaseDate
this.expiryDate = drivingExpiryDate
Log.i("driving.info.call", info.type)
And here's where I use it, in my Main, and where I get an info object with empty strings as properties
private void getDrivingLicenceData() {
DrivingLicenceInfoService service = new DrivingLicenceInfoServiceImpl(context);
DrivingLicenceInfo info = service.getDrivingLicenceInfo();
The log in the runBlocking correctly shows the property, the log in my Main doesn't even show up. Using the debugger I am able to see that info has empty strings as value.
Could somebody help me to figure out what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you
Since @JeelVankhede already told you the main reason of your problem and I also have some suggestions apart from the one given by @WarrenFaith.
If DrivingLicenceInfo
is a model class you can declare it as data class
data class DrivingLicenceInfo (
val type : String = "",
val nationality : String = "",
val number : String = "",
val releaseDate : String = "",
val expiryDate : String = ""
you can read more about data class here.
And then you can write your function as
private fun getDerivingLicenceInfoAndWaitForCompletion(): DrivingLicenceInfo {
val info = runBlocking {
val response = retrieveDrivingLicenceInfoAsync().await()
if (response.isSuccessful) {
response.body()?.let {
it.data.let { data ->
type = data.guy,
nationality = data.drivingLicenseNationality,
number = data.drivingLicenseNumber,
releaseDate = data.drivingReleaseDate,
expiryDate = data.drivingExpiryDate
} ?: DrivingLicenceInfo()
} else {
Log.i("driving.info.call", info.type)
return info