I'm running Delphi XE on Windows 7 Pro 64 and IIS 7.5, developing an ISAPI application. IIS is configured correctly (including allowing 32-bit code to run in an ISAPI process). The ISAPI process runs properly.
In Delphi I'm trying to attach to the ISAPI process running on localHost to step through my ISAPI.dll code: Run->Attach to Process->InetInfo.exe.
I've done this a thousand times with Windows XP and IIS 5, but in this new environment I cannot attach to the ISAPI process. I get an error message in the IDE when attempting to attach:
Unable to create process - the request is not supported
This is costing me lots of time — I have to pump out debug strings for every line of code, run the app, and then look at my debug strings, etc.
Why can't I attach to the ISAPI process? Is this is an IIS 7.5 configuration issue? Perhaps related to 32/64-bit problems because IIS is native 64-bit and Delphi debugger is 32-bit?
Learn it here, http://blogs.msdn.com/b/david.wang/archive/2006/06/21/isapi-filter-and-the-iis6-process-model.aspx
To make it clear, in iis worker process isolation mode, w3wp.exe is the process that loads your isapi filters, so you should attach to it instead of inetinfo.exe.