In a Symfony 5.0 Application I want to use the KnpMenuBundle. I installed it by running
composer require knplabs/knp-menu-bundle "^3.0"
This automatically created an entry in [ProjectRoot]/config/bundles.php":
Knp\Bundle\MenuBundle\KnpMenuBundle::class => ['all' => true]
Of course it downloaded the bundle as well.
The documentation (found at: states to configure the bundle one should edit the file "app/config/config.yml". Symfony 5 does not have this file anymore - but single config files for each "package" in "[ProjectRoot]/config/packages". However there wasn't a config file created for KnpMenuBundle. How could I do this myself - meaning: Whats the naming conventions and how do I tell the bundle to actualy use the config file?
There is another issue. In the documentation it says rendering a Menu in a twig template works like this:
{{ knp_menu_render('AppBundle:Builder:mainMenu') }}
For Symfony 5 - what would be the right syntax / path there?
Configuration for KnpMenuBundle is optional. That is why there is no configuration file created. In Symfony 4 and 5 you can just add a yaml config file in the config/packages directory manually. It will be automatically read. A good name for this file could be knp_menu.yaml. Inside the config file you use the same content as documented. e.g.
template: KnpMenuBundle::menu.html.twig
To render the menu you can use
{{ knp_menu_render('App:Builder:mainMenu') }}
Where Builder is the name of the class inside the src/Menu directory and mainMenu is method to call from the class (See the docs).
If i am not wrong you have to define the Builder class as a service from Symfony 4 which is slightly different. As you can read from the docs you will now render your menu giving the alias of the service e.g.
{{ knp_menu_render('main') }}
(Change all AppBundle occurrences to App).