I'm completely new to Ansible so I'm still struggling with its way of working... I have an inventory file with several hosts sorted by environment and function:
But I think sometimes I might need to run playbooks specifying even more, i.e attending to the environment, its function, cluster of hosts and application running on the host. So in resume every host must have 4 "categories": environment, function, cluster and app. How could I achieve this without having to constantly repeat entries??
How could I achieve this without having to constantly repeat entries?
You can't. You have to declare in each needed groups the machines that belong to it. So if a machine belongs to 4 distinct groups (not taking into account parent groups), you'll have to declare that host in the 4 relevant groups.
Ansible could have chosen the other way around (i.e. list for each hosts the groups it belongs to) but this is not the retained solution and it would be as verbose.
To make things easier and IMO a bit more secure, you can split your inventory in several environment inventories (prod, dev....) so that you can remove one level of complexity inside each inventory. The downside is that you cannot target all your envs at once with such a setup.
If your inventory is big and targeting some sort of cluster/cloud environment (vsphere, aws...), dynamic inventories can help.