Loopback 4 has a community maintained connector for Firestore here: https://github.com/dyaa/loopback-connector-firestore
How do I get the the subcollection houses from the following collection:
village: {
id: "yaOh(37Na",
name: "Greenwich",
houses: {
house01: {
address: "1st Street"
house02: {
address: "2nd Street"
The following snippet returns only shallow results:
const village = await this.villageRepository.findOne({where: {id: "yaOh(37Na"}});
console.log(village); // returns {id: "yaOh(37Na", name: "Greenwich"}
On Firestore reading from a collection, only reads the data from that collection and not from collections under it. There is no API that automatically reads data from subcollection too.
You'll have to execute a separate read operation for each subcollection that you want to get data from.