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Merging two objects while keeping matching keys

I'm trying to merge two javascript objets which, both have same similear key, but diffrent values. I want them to keep the diffrent keys and but place themn together in the matching parent object.

For example:

const obj1 = {
   "title" : {
     "en-US" : "Some title"
   "text": {
     "en-US": "Some text"
 const obj2 = {
   "title" : {
     "de-DE" : "Some diffrent title"
   "text": {
     "de-DE": "Some diffrent text"

Desired Result:

    "title" : {
      "en-US" : "Some title",
      "de-DE" : "Some diffrent title"
    "text": {
      "en-US": "Some text"
      "de-DE": "Some diffrent text"

What I tried:

Object.assign and the ES6 variant gave me this:

const mergedObj = {...obj1, ...obj2}


        "title" : {
          "de-DE" : "Some diffrent title"
        "text": {
          "de-DE": "Some diffrent text"


  • You can get the keys of one of your objects, and map that to a new object, which merges the values for that key from both objects into one. You can then using Object.assign() to merge your array of mapped objects into a single resulting object like so:

    const obj1 = { "title" : { "en-US" : "Some title" }, "text": { "en-US": "Some text" } } 
    const obj2 = { "title" : { "de-DE" : "Some diffrent title" }, "text": { "de-DE": "Some diffrent text" } }
    const merge_objs = (o1, o2) =>
      Object.assign({}, ...Object.keys(o1).map(k => ({[k]: {...o1[k], ...o2[k]}})));
    console.log(merge_objs(obj1, obj2));