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Maintain uniqueness on django-localized-fields

I'm trying to avoid having duplicate localized items stored in a Django-rest-framework app, django-localalized-fields package with a PostgreSQL database I can't find any way to make this work.


I've tried writing custom duplicate detection logic in the Serializer, which works for create, but for update the localized fields become null (they are required fields, so I receive a not null constraint error). It seems to be django-localized-fields utility which is causing this problem.

The serializer runs correctly (create/update) when I'm not overriding create/update in the serializer by defining them separately.

I've also tried adding unique options to the database in the model, which does not work - duplicates are still created. Using the standard unique methods, or the method in the django-localized-fields documentation (uniqueness=['en', 'ro']).

I've also tried the UniqueTogetherValidator in Django, which also doesn't seem to support HStore/localizedfields.

I'd appreciate some help in tracking down either how to fix the update in the serializer or place a unique constraint in the database. Since django-localized-fields uses hstore in PostgreSQL it must be a common enough problem for applications using hstore to maintain uniqueness.

For those who aren't familiar, Hstore stores items as key/value pairs within a database. Here's an example of how django-localized-fields stores language data within the database:

"en"=>"english word!", "es"=>"", "fr"=>"", "frqc"=>"", "fr-ca"=>""


  • django-localized-fields constraint unique values only per the same language. If you want to achieve that values in a row don't collide with values in another row, you have to validate them on Django and database level.

    Validation in Django

    In Django you can create custom function validate_hstore_uniqueness, which is called everytime is model validated.

    def validate_hstore_uniqueness(obj, field_name):
        value_dict = getattr(obj, field_name)
        cls = obj.__class__
        values = list(value_dict.values())
        # find all duplicite existing objects
        duplicite_objs = cls.objects.filter(**{field_name+'__values__overlap':values})
            duplicite_objs = duplicite_objs.exclude(
        if len(duplicite_objs):
            # extract duplicite values
            existing_values = []
            for obj2 in duplicite_objs:
                existing_values.extend(getattr(obj2, field_name).values())
            duplicate_values = list(set(values) & set(existing_values))
            # raise error for field
            raise ValidationError({
                field_name: ValidationError(
                    _('Values %(values)s already exist.'),
                    params={'values': duplicate_values}
    class Test(models.Model):
        slug = LocalizedField(blank=True, null=True, required=False)
        def validate_unique(self, exclude=None):
            validate_hstore_uniqueness(self, 'slug')

    Constraint in DB

    For DB constraint you have to use constraint trigger.

    def slug_uniqueness_constraint(apps, schema_editor):
        print('Recreating trigger quotes.slug_uniqueness_constraint')
        # define trigger
        trigger_sql = """
            -- slug_hstore_unique
            CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION slug_uniqueness_constraint() RETURNS TRIGGER
            AS $$
                    duplicite_count INT;
                    EXECUTE format('SELECT count(*) FROM %I.%I ' ||
                                   'WHERE id != $1 and avals("slug") && avals($2)', TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_TABLE_NAME)
                        INTO duplicite_count
                        USING, NEW.slug;
                    IF duplicite_count > 0 THEN
                        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Duplicate slug value %', avals(NEW.slug);
                    END IF;
                    RETURN NEW;
            $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
            DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS slug_uniqueness_constraint on quotes_author;
            CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER slug_uniqueness_constraint
                AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OF slug ON quotes_author
                FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE slug_uniqueness_constraint();
        cursor = connection.cursor()

    And enable it in migrations:

    class Migration(migrations.Migration):
        dependencies = [
            ('quotes', '0031_auto_20200109_1432'),
        operations = [

    Probably is a good idea to also create GIN db index for speeding up lookups:

    CREATE INDEX ON test_table using GIN (avals("slug"));