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Generate token for Artifactory user

I try to generate an access token for an Artifactory user using this command:

curl -u<user>:<password> -XPOST https://<server_url>/artifactory/api/security/token

And I get following error:

  "errors" : [ {
    "status" : 500,
    "message" : "The @FormParam is utilized when the content type of the request entity is not application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  } ]

I tried as password the login password of the user, the API key and the Encrypted Password. Each time I got the same result.

Any ideas what can be wrong?


  • Here's the documentation. You're missing two mandatory parameters:

    • username - must be your username unless you're an admin
    • scope - permissions you're requesting, e.g. "scope=member-of-groups:readers"

    i.e. you need:

    curl -u<user>:<password> -XPOST https://<server_url>/artifactory/api/security/token
         -d "username=<user>" -d "scope=member-of-groups:readers"

    The specific error is because you're not passing any parameters at all. curl is therefore not generating a request body and hence it is not including a 'Content-Type' header in the request, and the server is reporting that it only knows how to pass arguments to the REST API from a POSTed form.