I've just started training my first weights. Transfer learning to be exact. The pc I have is running on Ubuntu and currently using Darknet framework with the darknet53.conv.74 pre-trained model + yolov3.cfg that I modified for a single class - Human. However, after starting to train it returns me this error. Could the error be because I haven't made the test.txt file? (It's made, but empty)
./darknet detector train training/obj.data training/yolo-obj.cfg training/darknet53.conv.74 yolo-obj First section must be [net] or [network]: Success darknet: ./src/utils.c:256: error: Assertion `0' failed. Aborted (core dumped)
The line 256 of the utils.c is simply an error function:
void error(const char *s)
As per this issue it may be cause by CR/LF in config file. For @legoloco it was the case. Reformatting line ending with only CR fix his issue.