I'm currently developing two different React applications which use Deck.GL to render two maps, each with a different type of layer. When using them as standalone they both work perfectly, however, when the two get mounted in the same parent application, the second map I visit crashes (due to loading the library two times or so it seems).
Given that, I added Deck.GL to Webpack externals of both applications and added an unpkg link to the parent application. However, this gives an "Unable to resolve 'h3'" error, so I also put h3-js in externals but it keeps searching for it on Deck.GL javascript. My next step was to import from the @deck.gl/core, @deck.gl/react, @deck.gl/layers, etc instead and only load what is needed, but I got a similar error as it was searching for 'luma' in @deck.gl/layers.
So, how do I correctly define Deck.GL as a Webpack external?
The error I get when adding deck.gl to externals:
Unable to resolve bare specifier "h3" from https://unpkg.com/deck.gl@7.3.6/dist.min.js
The errors when I navigate to the second map which uses different layers:
It seems this error is launched when using Angular routing to navigate through the page, if I use simple
<a href>
they work perfectly because it reloads the whole page and doesn't load two instances of the library.
The problem was caused by incorrect webpack externals configurations and mistakes selecting what bundles to import from unpkg/jsdelivr. If anyone runs into the same problem just look at Deck's own website:
config.externals = {
'highlight.js': 'hljs',
'h3-js': 'h3',
'deck.gl': 'deck',
'@deck.gl/aggregation-layers': 'deck',
'@deck.gl/core': 'deck',
'@deck.gl/extensions': 'deck',
'@deck.gl/geo-layers': 'deck',
'@deck.gl/layers': 'deck',
'@deck.gl/mesh-layers': 'deck',
'@loaders.gl/core': 'loaders',
'@luma.gl/core': 'luma',
'mapbox-gl': 'mapboxgl'
<script src='https://api.tiles.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/v1.3.1/mapbox-gl.js'></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/h3-js"></script>
<script src="https://bundle.run/s2-geometry@1.2.10"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/deck.gl@^8.0.0/dist.min.js"></script>