I have hosted JFrog-OSS docker container which is running behind Nginx along with DNS attached to it .I want to create new repositories(local ones) using REST Apis (curl commands ) .Since it's a free version .Is it possible to have create local repositories using CUrl commands in JFrog ?.
curl -s -uadmin:password -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' https://devops.com/artifactory/libs-release-local/path/to/directory/ -d '
[ {
"\key"\ : "\example-repo-local"\,
"\description"\ : "\artifactory repository"\,
"\type"\ : "\LOCAL"\,
"\url"\ : "\https://devops.com/artifactory/example-repo-local"\,
"\packageType"\ : "\Generic"\
Creating repositories via REST API requires Artifactory Pro.
Also, the url and JSON configurations seems wrong. The url that the request is sent to should not include path, but a repository only.
The "type" key should be "rclass". "url" key is only for remote.
See documentation for more details.