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Django Taggit - Tag Associations not Saving from Custom Admin Form

Going nuts over here... From within the shell, I can do:


The tag is added to the db, and the tag association with the product works correctly. (i.e., when I do Product.objects.filter(tags__name__in=["a_new_tag"] the appropriate product spits out)

What I need to do is add some tags in the admin when the form is processed.

Here is my form code (read the comments in lines 4 and 5):

class ProductForm(ModelForm):
        def save(self, commit=True):
            product = super(ProductForm, self).save(commit=False)
            product.type="New Type to Confirm Info is being Saved Correctly" //this is saved to the product.
            product.tags.add('a_new_tag_1') //the tag is saved to the taggit db, but the association with the product isn't kept.
            return m

I tried to do the saving in the admin class instead, but this doesn't work either:

class ProductAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    form = ProductForm
    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
        obj.type="new_type" //this works 
        obj.tags.add("a_new_tag_2") //tag association not saved

What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance!


  • So it turns out that form.save_m2m() was the culprit. If I took it out of my own code, and commented it out in (line 983), the associations as well as the tag were saved.

    Obviously it's not a good idea to change django's code, so I ended up overriding change_view() in my ProductAdmin (as well as add_view()). I added the tags after calling super(), so form.save_m2m() wouldn't overwrite my tag associations.

    This is strange because it goes directly against django-taggit's documentation which emphasizes how important it is to call form.save_m2m() :

    Well I dunno what's up, I'll probably go on the taggit google groups and notify 'em. In any case thanks David for your help, if nothing less pdb is AWESOME and I did not know about it before :)