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Debug Julia script with Juno IDE

I'm new to Julia, version 1.39.1, and trying to debug a toy example function using the Juno IDE (Atom). I was able to get the example in this documentation working but could not figure out how to start the debugger on my Julia script or my function. This site seemed promising but the example image is broken. Related question.

I've tried using the Juno.@enter(outer_prod([1,2,3],[1,1,1])) to no avail.

How can I use the debugger on my script or on my function?

enter image description here


  • As @pfitzseb suggested in the question comments, you must qualify your function with it's module (basically the script that the function is in) in order to start debugging with REPL. The current working module can be found in the lower right hand corner of the Juno IDE. The command to debug a function in a specific module is Juno.@enter(MyModule.func_name(args))